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Heart Journey (3 kids): A Road to Mended Heart

Galang Family
Galang Family

I am Jemar Galang, a father of four children, but three of them had heart disease called CHD or Congenital Heart Defect. By God's mercy, the three of them already had their hearts fixed. This is our Heart Journey towards the healing of their hearts.

In 2017, we were blessed with an angel, a boy, whom I named Johann. We didn't know he had a hole in his heart. He would often get hospitalized due to Pneumonia and colds. When he was three months old, that's when we found out he had CHD because we were referred to a pediatric cardiologist. After tests, he was diagnosed with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect), and the doctor suggested that he needed Open Heart Surgery before turning one year old.

The doctor informed us that the surgery would cost half a million if done at Perpetual (PSH), so I asked where we could get such a large amount of money. The doctor advised us to seek help from different organizations or charity foundations.

At first, I almost lost hope because half a million was too big, and our daily income was not even enough for our needs. But I still tried because I couldn't bear to see my child suffering. The doctor encouraged us not to loose hope and suggested we apply for assistance from different charity organizations. I followed the advice and started gathering the necessary documents.

I went to DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) for a Certificate of Indigency and applied to several charity organizations that could provide financial assistance. Until one day, we were informed that HeartGift could help us. They also requested the necessary documents for the HeartGift program, and thankfully, they accepted our application.


In March 2017, my child was referred to a US hospital in San Antonio, Dallas for his operation. That was the first operation under HeartGift. It turned out that my son, Johann, was diagnosed with not just VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) but also ASD (Atrial Septal Defect). Almost all the expenses were shouldered by the foundation. By God's grace, the operation was successful. The moment I saw my child after the operation, I couldn't explain the happiness I felt. I cried with joy.

After the operation, my child no longer had trouble in breathing, frequent colds, or pneumonia. Thank God, he started gaining weight and became active. But life is full of surprises. I never expected that two years later, my second child would also be diagnosed with the same heart defect, needing another operation.

In August 2019, my third child was born. He was a boy, but just like his older brother, he also had heart defect. I really didn't expect that we would have to face this battle again.


He underwent 2D Echo, and although he looked fine, the doctor discovered that his heart had two small holes, but they couldn't be operated on because they were too tiny. A few months later, we brought him back to the pediatric cardiologist for his monthly check-up. Instead of receiving good news, we were told that his heart condition had worsened. The doctor noticed that his heartbeat was becoming abnormal. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

The doctor explained that his condition was caused by Cell Thickening and that he might need surgery if the situation didn't improve. After another check-up and 2D Echo, the result confirmed that Natalie was diagnosed with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) and PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus).

We hadn't fully recovered from the previous surgeries, and now we had to prepare for another one. I kept asking God why this was happening to us. But as a parent, I had to be strong. I accepted the reality that another one of my children would have to undergo surgery. However, deep inside, I am crying in pain.I almost gave up at that time, but I needed to stand up and move forward again.

I reminded myself not to give up. I have God on my side, and I knew He wouldn't forsake me. After a few days, I reached out to HeartGift Philippines again to ask if they still accept patients from indigent families. Thankfully, they replied that they still did. They instructed us to fill out all the forms and complete every document needed. I complied with everything they asked for. After a week, they replied and confirmed that they would help us again.

Despite everything we've been through, God never abandoned us. Even though we've faced so many challenges, God is always there to guide us.

Praise You, God, for everything. Thank You.

It seemed like everything was fine already — Johann was okay, and Natalie had recovered. We thought our journey had ended with those two being healed.

But in 2021, God blessed us with our fourth angel in the family — a baby boy named San Andreí.

At first, we thought he had no problems. But as time went by, he frequently experienced cough and colds, just like what Johann had before. My wife and I began to suspect something was wrong. We compared his condition with other babies, and even though he was taking vitamins and looked healthy, we still worried that he might have inherited the same illness. Unfortunately, after his 2D Echo... our doubts were confirmed. He was diagnosed with PDA — the same heart defect his siblings had. Not just one, but two holes in his heart. It was so painful to hear that history was repeating itself.

With the help of Let It Echo, Rotary Club of Cebu, and Gift of Life International, we got to have our free surgery at Delos Santos Medical Center in Quezon City last January 2023.

Everything went well until now. Sam is already a healthy little boy — playful, and loves to bite his fingers.

I am ending this story of mine with advice to all parents who have children with heart conditions: If we had lost hope before, this wouldn't have happened. Don't lose hope. Always have faith in the One Above, especially in difficult moments. He will help us find ways.

Please let me include my thanks to:

Heart Gift

Mam Concepcion

Mr. Jason Desrochers

Mam Evette Brunning

Our foster family in Dallas, Sir Doug and Laura Edwards

Sir Matt and Suzie Warner

Thank you!


Let It Echo, Mam Diana Alvarado

Gift of Life International, Sir Rob Raylman

Rotary Club of Cebu, Sir Roberto Mendoza Jr.

To all people who helped us and to those who prayed for us —

Thank you very much.




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